Send Your Prayers to King David's Tomb


King David is known as the Eternal King of Israel and will be the forefather of the True Messiah. He was the second King of Israel and was most beloved by the Creator. His dedication to God is encapsulated in the Book of Psalms, most of which he wrote as dictations of his personal prayers.

His great struggles and triumphs are recorded in the pages of the Hebrew Bible. He personifies the essence of a perfect king of Israel through the many faculties of his tremendous character.

It is written he received the 70 years of his life from the soul of Adam, the first man. Adam was destined to live 1000 years, but he gave 70 of those to David, and therefore Adam only lived 930 years. As a result, the soul of King David was a direct extension and pure embodiment of the lofty soul of Adam.


We will go to King David’s Tomb, light a candle for his soul, or for the souls of your deceased loved ones, and pray for your personal request at this special place.

Further options are available to recite Psalms, Mishnah, or Zohar, for your desired cause. Psalms are often recited to influence blessing and success, while Mishnah is often recited dedicated to the elevation of a deceased soul. Zohar is also sometimes recited in a similar fashion to Psalms.

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