Send Your Prayers to the Maccabean Graves for Hannukah!


The graves of the Maccabis and Matityahu Cohen Gadol, the high priest. We will personally go to this holy place and pray on your behalf. You can write your own prayers in the request. Please know that all prayer donations will go towards supporting the families in Israel devastated by the impacts of war.

Just as HaShem was with the Hasmonean rebels in their miraculous victory, may our eyes be opened to the mystery of your presence in our own lives. 

The Maccabees—Mattathias and his five sons—are famous for having led a successful rebellion in the 160s B.C.E. against King Antiochus IV Epiphanes after the Seleucid ruler desecrated the Temple and forbade circumcision and Sabbath observance. The Maccabean revolt, as it’s come to be known, is celebrated in the festival of Hanukkah.

When we send our prayers to the graves of righteous people, we are requesting that these holy souls add their prayers to our own supplications. We pray specifically at their burial site in the hopes tht the merit of the buried righteous person, combined with the holiness of their final resting place, help make our prayers more acceptable to HaShem. The holiness of these gravesites is derived from the lingering connection of the soul to its point of final departure.

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