Samuel was one of the main prophets before and during the reign of the first Kings of Israel. He anointed both King Saul and King David, and was a key figure in many biblical narratives of that era.
The Talmud gives special praise to the prayers of Samuel, stating that his prayers were more effective than both Moses and Aaron combined!
The Prophet is buried atop a small mountain just outside of Jerusalem. A chamber just above his burial spot serves as a small synagogue underneath a larger structure that composes his Tomb.
We will go to the Samuel’s Tomb, light a candle for his soul, or for the souls of your deceased loved ones, and pray for your personal request at this special place.
Further options are available to recite Psalms, Mishnah, or Zohar, for your desired cause. Psalms are often recited to influence blessing and success, while Mishnah is often recited dedicated to the elevation of a deceased soul. Zohar is also sometimes recited in a similar fashion to Psalms.